Category Archives: CONFERENCE

Important Dates

IMPORTANT DATES Description Time Abstract submission deadline  15th June 2023 Notification of abstract acceptance  30th June 2023 Full paper submission deadline 15th July 2023    30th July 2023 Registration deadline 01st August 2023 Payment deadline 01st July 2023    17th August 2023 Conference date 25th – 26th August 2023

Link: REVIEW ARTICLE/ORIGINAL ARTICLE Article Tittle (Font size:18) Author Name1,*, Author Name2, Author Name1,2 (Font size: 13.5) 1Department One, Institution One, Street One, District One, City One, Country One (Font size: 10) 2Department Two, Institution Two, Street Two, District Two, City Two, Country Two Received xx xx xxRevised xx xx xx; Accepted xx xx xx […]


The conference organizers are grateful to the supports by the following organizations                                             Information for Sponsors STISD 2023 series of conferences organized by Vietnam Association of Science Editing (VASE) and Nguyen Tat Thanh University (NTTU-Vietnam) offers […]

Conferece Objective

The theme for STISD 2023 is “Establishment of Sustainable Technological Solution for Industry and Society”. This conference is designed to disseminate the latest research findings and advances in the chemical engineering and industrial biotechnology area to society. Specifically, focusing on demand, supplies, storage, and transportation issues in food, energy, and water nexus. These areas have become […]